Technical sciences | |
Material realities | Table of contents |
AHREN 1980 | The Exergy Method of Energy Systems Analysis J. E. Ahren John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980 |
ANDERSON 1995 | Computational Fluid Dynamics J. Anderson Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1995 |
ARNOLD 1978 | Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics V. Arnold Springer, New York, 1978 |
ASADA 1986 | Robot Analysis and Control H. Asada an J.-J. E. Stoline Wiley, New York, 1986 |
ATANACKOVIC 2000 | Theory of Elasticity for Scientists and Engineers T. Atanackovic and Ardéshir Guran Birkhäuser, Boston, 2000 |
ATKIN 1980 | An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity R. J. Atkin and N. Fox Longman, London, 1980 |
BALDYGA 1999 | Turbulent Mixing and Chemical Reactions J. Baldyga and J. R. Bourne John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1999 |
BARCLAY 1995 | Combined Power and Process - An Exergy Approach F. J. Barclay Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited, London, 1995 |
BARNES 1989 | An Introduction to Rheology H. A. Barnes, J. E. Hurron and K. Walters Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989 |
BEEK 1999 | Transport Phenomena W. J. Beek, K. M. K. Muttzall and J. W. van Heuven Wiley, Chichester, 1999 |
BEER 1992 | Mechanics of Materials F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 2000 |
BELYTSCHKO 2000 | Non Linear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures T. Belytchko, W. K. Liu and B. Moran Wiley, New York, 2000 |
BERTIN 1989 | Aerodynamics for Engineers J. J. Bertin and M. L. Smith Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989 |
BETTEN 2002 | Kontinuumsmechanik J. Betten Springer, Heidelberg, 2002 |
BIRD 1960 | Transport Phenomena R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart and E. N. Lightfoot John Wiley, New York, 1960 |
BOAS 1983 | Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences M. L. Boas John Wiley, New York, 1983 |
BOEHLER 1987 | Applications of Tensor Functions in Solid Mechanics J. P. Boehler, Editor Springer, Heidelberg, 1987 |
BOLTON 1995 | Mechatronics W. Bolton Longman, Harlow, 1995 |
BONET 1997 | Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis J. Bonet and R. D. Wood Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 |
BOREL 1974 | Economie énergétique et exergie L. Borel Institut de Thermodynamique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne, 2004 |
BOUGEAULT 2001 | Dynamique de l'atmosphère et de l'océan P. Bougeault et R. Sadourny Editions de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 2001 |
BOWEN 1989 | Introduction to Continuum Mechanics for Engineers R. M. Bowen Plenum Press, New York, 1989 |
BRADY 1989 | Robotics Science M. Brady, Ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1989 |
BRODKEY 1988 | Transport Phenomena - A Unified Approach R. S. Brodkey and H. C. Hershey McGraw Hill, New York, 1988 |
BROWN 2001 | Engineering System Dynamics - A Unified Graph-Centered Approach F. T. Brown Marcel Decker, New York, 2001 |
CALLEN 1985 | Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics H. B. Callen John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985 |
CANNON 1967 | Dynamics of Physical Systems R. H. Cannon Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1967 |
CAZIN 1989 | Mécanique de la robotique M. Cazin et J. Metge Dunod, Paris, 1989 |
CELLIER 1991 | Continuous System Modeling F. Cellier Springer, Heidelberg, 1991 |
CHA 2000 | Fundamentals of Modeling and Analysing Engineering Systems P. D. Cha, J. R. Rosenberg and C. L. Dym Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 |
CHADWICK 1976 | Continuum Mechanics P. Chadwick George Allen & Unwin, London, 1976 |
CHANDRASEKHAR 1942 | Principles of Stellar Dynamics S. Chandrasekhar Dover, New York, 1942 |
CHANDRASEKHARAIAH 1994 | Continuum Mechanics D. S. Chandrasekharaiah and L. Debnath Academic Press, Boston, 1994 |
CHARLIER 1992 | Tensors and the Clifford Algebra - Application to the Physics of Bosons and Fermions A. Charlier, A. Bérard, M.-F. Charlier et D. Fristot Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1992 |
CHATTERJEE 1999 | Mathematical Theory of Continuum Mechanics R. Chatterjee Narosa, New Delhi, 1999 |
CHERNYKH 1998 | An Introduction to Modern Anisotropic Elasticity K. F. Chernyckh Begell House, New York, 1998 |
CHEVALIER 1996 | Mécanique des systèmes et des milieux déformables L. Chevalier Ellipses, Paris, 1996 |
CHORIN 1990 | A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics T. J. Chung Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990 |
CHUNG 1996 | Applied Continuum Mechanics Y. Coineau et B Kresling Hachette, Paris, 1987 |
COINEAU 1987 | Les inventions de la nature et la bionique Y. Coineau et B Kresling Hachette, Paris, 1987 |
COIRIER 1997 | Mécanique des milieux continus J. Coirier Dunod, Paris, 1997 |
COLLINS 1968 | Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers R. Collins Reynold Book Corporation, New York, 1968 |
CRABOL 1989 | Transfert de chaleur J. Crabol Masson, Paris, 1989 |
CRANDALL 1968 | Dynamics of Mechanical and Electromechanical Systems S. H. Crandall, D. C. Karnopp, E. F. Kurtz and D. C Pridmore-Brown McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968 |
CRANK 1975 | The Mathematics of Diffusion J. Crank Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1975 |
CURNIER 1993 | Méthodes numériques en mécanique des solides A. Curnier Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1997 |
CURNIER 2005 | Mécanique des solides déformables A. Curnier Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2005 |
DANILOV 1995 | Mathematical Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes V. G. Danilov, V. P. Maslov and K. A. Volosov Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995 |
DAUPHIN 2000 | Les bond graphs G. Dauphin-Tanguy, Editor Hermes, Paris, 2000 |
DAUTRAY 1984 | Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology R. Dautray and J.-L. Lions Springer, Heidelberg, 1984 |
DENNERY 1967 | Mathematics for Physicists P. Dennery and A. Krzywicki Harper & Row, New York, 1967 |
DETTMAN 1988 | Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering J. Dettman Dover, New York, 1988 |
DRABOWITCH 1998 | Modern Antennas S. Drabowitch, A. Papiernik, H. Griffiths, J. Encinas and B. L. Smith Chapman & Hall, London, 1998 |
DREW 1999 | Theory of Multicomponent Fluids D. A. Drew and S. L. Passman Springer, Heidelberg, 1999 |
DUVAUT 1990 | Mécanique des milieux continus G. Duvaut Masson, Paris, 1990 |
EINSTEIN 1949 | The World as I see It A. Einstein The Philosophical Library, New York, 1949 |
ERDI 1989 | Mathematical Models of Chemical Reactions P. Erdi and J. Toth Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1989 |
FALK 1977 | Konzepte eines zeitgemässen Physic-unterrichts - Energie und Entropie G. Falk und F. Herrmann Schroedel Verlag, Hannover, 1977 |
FARRASHKHALVAT 1990 | Tensor Methods for Engineers and Scientists M. Farrashkhalvat and J. P. Miles Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1990 |
FELSAGER 1998 | Geometry, Particles and Fields B. Felsager Springer, Berlin, 1998 |
FENN 2003 | Engines, Energy and Entropy - A Thermodynamics Primer J. B. Fenn Global View Publishing , Pittsburg, 2003 |
FIFE 1979 | Mathematical Aspects of Reacting and Diffusing Systems P. C. Fife Springer, Berlin, 1979 |
FLUGGE 1972 | Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics W. Flügge Springer, Heidelberg, 1972 |
FLUGGE 1975 | Viscoelasticity W. Flügge Springer, Berlin, 1975 |
FRANKEL 1997 | The Geometry of Physics T. Frankel Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 |
FRANKS 1972 | Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering R. G. E. Franks Wiley, New York, 1972 |
FRENCH 1988 | Invention and Evolution - Design in Nature and Engineering M. French Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988 |
FREY 1998 | Analyse des structures et milieux continus F. Frey Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1998 |
FU 1987 | Robotics K. Fu, R. Gonzalez and C. Lee Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1987 |
FUNARO 1997 | Spectral Elements for Transport-Dominant Equations D. Funaro Springer, Heidelberg, 1997 |
FUNG 1994 | A First Course in Continuum Mechanics Y. C. Fung Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1994 |
GALLUZZI 1996 | Gli ingegneri del Rinascimento, da Brunelleschi a Leonardo da Vinci P. Galluzzi Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, 1996 |
GARCIA 2000 | Numerical Methods for Physics A. L. Garcia Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2000 |
GMUR 1997 | Dynamique des structures T. Gmür Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1997 |
GMUR 2000 | Méthode des éléments finis T. Gmür Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2000 |
GURTIN 1981 | An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics M. E. Gurtin Academic Press, Boston, 1981 |
GRAHAM 1989 | Continuum Mechanics and its Applications G. A. C. Graham and S. K. Malik, Editors Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 1989 |
GUILLON 1992 | Commande et asservissement hydrauliques et électrohydrauliques M. Guillon TECH DOC, Paris, 1992 |
HAN 1999 | Plasticity - Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis W. Han and B. Daya Reddy Springer, Heidelberg, 1999 |
HARGREAVES 1996 | Engineering Systems Modelling and Control M. Hargreaves Longman, Harlow, 1996 |
HASLER 1985 | Circuits non linéaires M. Hasler et J. Neirynck Presses polytechniques romandes, Lausanne, 1985 |
HAYES 2001 | Topics in Finite Elasticity M. Hayes and G. Saccomandi, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 2001 |
HEINBOCKEN 2001 | Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics J. Heinbocken Trafford, Victoria, 2001 |
HIRSHFELDER 1954 | Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids J. O. Hirschfelder, C. F. Curtiss and R. B. Bird John Wiley, New York, 1954 |
HLADIK 1993 | Le calcul tensoriel en physique J. Hladik Masson, Paris, 1993 |
HOLZAPFEL 2000 | Nonlinear Solid Mechanics G. Holzapferl John Wiley, New York, 2000 |
HUILGOL 1997 | Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity R. R. Huilgol and N. Phan-Thien Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997 |
HYDE 1997 | The Language of Shape - The Role of Curvature in Condensed Matter S. Hyde and All Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997 |
ILEGBUSI 2000 | Mathematical and Physical Modeling of Materials Processing Operations O. Ilegbusi, M. Iguchi and W. Wahnsiedler Chapman & Hall , New York, 1992 |
INCROPERA 1992 | Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer F. P. Incropera and D. P. de Witt John Wiley, New York, 1992 |
JAMMER 1999 | Concepts of Force M. Jammer Dover, New York, 1999 |
JENSON 1977 | Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering V. G. Jenson and G. V. Jeffreys Academic Press, London, 1977 |
KARNOPP 2004 | Vehicule Stability D. Karnopp Marcel Dekker, New York, 2004 |
KARNOPP 1990 | System Dynamics D. Karnopp, D. Morgolis and R. Rosenberg Wiley, New York, 1990 |
KARNOPP 1968 | Analysis and Simulation of Multiport Systems D. Karnopp and R. C. Rosenberg MIT Press, Cambridge, 1968 |
KERROW 1991 | Robotics P. J. McKerrow Addison Wesley, Reading, 1991 |
KHAN 1995 | Continuum Theory of Plasticity A. S. Khan and S. Huang John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995 |
KHANH 1991 | Continuum Mechanics D. Khanh Rühr-Universität Verlag, Bochum, 1991 |
KOENIG 1967 | Analysis of Discrete Physical Systems H. K. Koenig, Y. Tokad, H. K. Kesavan and H. G. Hedges McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967 |
KOREN 1986 | Robotique Y. Koren Mc Graw-Hill, Paris, 1986 |
KUNDU 1990 | Fluid Mechanics P. J. Kundu Academic Press Inc., San Diego, 1990 |
KURTH 1972 | Dimensional Analysis and Group Theory in Astrophysics R. Kurth Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1972 |
LALLEMAND 1994 | Robotique J.-P. Lallemand et S. Zeghloul Masson, Paris, 1994 |
LAKES 1999 | Viscoelastic Solids R. S. Lakes CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999 |
LEAL 1992 | Laminar Flow and Convective Transport L. G. Leal Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 1992 |
LEWIS 1989 | Vector Analysis for Engineers and Scientists P. E. Lewis and J. P Ward Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1989 |
LUBARDA 2002 | Elastoplasticity Theory V. A. Lubarda CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002 |
MAJDA 1984 | Compressible Fluid Flow and Systems of Conservation Laws in Several Variables A. Majda Springer, Heidelberg, 1984 |
MAL 1991 | Deformation of Elastic Solids A. K. Mal and S. J. Singh Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991 |
MALVERN 1969 | Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium L. E. Malvern Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1961 |
MANDEL 1966 | Cours de mécanique des milieux continus J. Mandel Editions Jacques Gabay, Paris, 1966 |
MARCH 2002 | Introduction to Liquid State Physics N. H. March and M. P. Tosi World Scientific, Singapore, 2002 |
MARCHAND 1995 | La thermodynamique mots à mot A. Marchand et A. Pacault De Boek-Wesmael, Bruxelles, 1995 |
MARSDEN 1983 | Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity J. E. Marsden and T. J. R. Hughes Dover, New York, 1983 |
MAYR 1986 | Authority, Liberty and Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europ O. Mayr John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1986 |
MAYR 1976 | Philosophers and Machines O. Mayr, Editor Science History Publications, New York, 1976 |
MENZEL 1961 | Mathematical Physics D. Menzel Dover, New York, 1961 |
MIDDLEMAN 1998 | An Introduction to Mass and Heat Transfer S. Middleman John Wiley, New York, 1998 |
MOHR 1992 | Finite Elements for Solids, Fluids and Optimization G. Mohr Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992 |
MOORE 1974 | Elementary Organic Chemistry J. A. Moore Saunders, Philadelphia, 1974 |
MUKHERJEE 2000 | Modelling and Simulation of Engineering Systems through Bondgraphs A. Mukherjee, R.Karmakar Alpha Science, Pangbourne, 2000 |
NACHTIGALL 1987 | La nature réinventée W. Nachtigall Plon, Paris, 1987 |
NARASIMHAN 1993 | Principles of Continuum Mechanics M. N. L. Narasimahan John Wiley, New York, 1993 |
OGAWA 1993 | Vortex Flows A. Ogawa CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1993 |
OUZIAUX 1975 | Application des notions d'exergie et d'anergie à la théorie des machines thermiques R. Ouziaux Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 1975 |
PAYNTER 1960 | Analysis and Design of Engineering Systems H. M. Paynter MIT Press, Cambridge, 1960 |
PEDRETTI 1999 | Leonardo - Le macchine C. Pedretti Giunti, Firenze, 1999 |
PIPKIN 1972 | Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory A. C. Pipkin Springer, Heidelberg, 1972 |
RENTON 1987 | Applied Elasticity - Matrix and Tensor Analysis of Elastic Continua J. D. Renton Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1987 |
ROSENBERG 1983 | Introduction to Physical System Dynamics R. C. Rosenberg and D. C. Karnopp Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1983 |
ROSNER 1986 | Transport Phenomena in Chemically Reacting Flow Systems D. E. Rosner Butterworths, Boston, 1986 |
ROWELL 1997 | System Dynamics D.Rowell and D. Wormley Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1997 |
SABBATA 2007 | Geometric Algebra and Applications to Physics V. de Sabbata and B. K. Datta Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2007 |
SALENCON 1995 | Mécanique du continu - Concepts généraux J. Salençon Ellipses, Paris, 1995 |
SCHOUTEN 1951 | Tensor Analysis for Physicists J. Schouten Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1951 |
SIMO 1998 | Computational Inelasticity J. C. Simo and T. J. R. Hughes Springer, Heidelberg, 1998 |
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SOUCHET 2001 | Leçons sur les grandes déformations R. Souchet Cépaduès, Toulouse, 2001 |
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SPENCER 1980 | Continuum Mechanics A. Spencer Longman, London, 1980 |
STADLER 1995 | Analytical Robotics and Mechatronics W. Stadler Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1995 |
STANISLAV 1982 | Mathematical Modeling of Transport Phenomena Processes J. F. Stanislav Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, 1982 |
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