Life sciences | |
Natural realities | Table of contents |
AHMADJIAN 1987 | Symbiosis - An Introduction to Biological Associations V. Ahmadjian and S. Paracer University Press of New England, Hanover, 1987 |
ANGELIS 1986 | Positive Feedback in Natural Systems D. L. De Angelis, W. M. Post and C. C Travis, Ed. Springer, Heidelberg, 1986 |
ANTONELLI 1985 | Mathematical Essays on Growth and the Emergence of Form P. L. Antonelli, Editor University of Alberta Press, Edmondton, 1985 |
AKUBO 1980 | Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Mathematical Models A. Okubo Springer, Heidelberg, 1980 |
ALT 1990 | Biological Motion W. Alt and G. Hoffman, Ed. Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
ATKINS 1973 | Modèles à compartiments multiples pour les systèmes biologiques G. L. Atkins Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1973 |
ATLAN 1972 | L'organisation biologique et la théorie de l'information H. Atlan Hermann, Paris, 1972 |
BALAZ 1990 | Modelling Kinetics of Biological Activity in Xenobiotics S. Balaz Veda, Bratislava, 1990 |
BANKS 1994 | Growth and Diffusion Phenomena - Mathematical Frameworks and Applications R. B. Banks Springer, Heidelberg, 1994 |
BARTLETT 1973 | The Mathematical Theory of the Dynamics of Biological Populations M. S. Bartlett and R. W. Hiorns, Editors Academic Press, London, 1973 |
BASSINGTHWAIGHTE 1994 | Fractal Physiology J. B. Bassingthwaighte, L. S. Liebovitch and B. J. West Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994 |
BATATO 1989 | Energétique du corps humain M. Batato Presses Polytechniques Romandes, Lausanne, 1989 |
BATSCHELET 1979 | Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists E. Batschelet Springer, Heidelberg, 1979 |
BEGON 1986 | Ecology - Individuals, Populations and Communities M. Begon, J. Harper and C Townsend Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, 1986 |
BERTRANDIAS 1990 | Mathématiques pour les sciences de la nature et de la vie F. et J.-P. Bertrandias Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble, 1990 |
BRAUN 1983 | Differential Equations Models M. Braun, C. S. Coleman and D. A. Drew Springer, Heidelberg, 1983 |
BRITTON 1986 | Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Their Applications to Biology N. F. Britton Academic Press, London, 1986 |
BROWN 1990 | Reaction-Diffusion Equations K. J. Brown and A. A. Lacey, Editors Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990 |
BUSENBERG 1990 | Differential Equations Models in Biology, Epidemiology and Ecology S. Busenberg and M. Martelli Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
CANTRELL 2004 | Spatial Ecology via Reaction-Diffusion Equations R. S. Cantrell and C. Cosner Wiley, Chichester, 2004 |
CAPASSO 1993 | Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems V. Capasso Springer, Heidelberg, 1993 |
CARISTI 1998 | Reaction-Diffusion Systems G. Caristi and E. Mitidieri, Editors Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998 |
CARPENTER 1988 | Movements of the Eyes R. H. S. Carpenter Pion, London, 1988 |
CASWELL 1989 | Matrix Population Models - Construction, Analysis and Interpretation H. Caswell Sinauer Associates Publishers, Sunderland, 1989 |
CHARLESWORTH 1980 | Evolution of age structued populations B. Charlesworth Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1980 |
CHENOT 1982 | La dieta energetica H. Chenot Rizzoli, Milano, 1982 |
CHENOT 1994 | L'equilibrio naturale - Ecologia del corpo H. Chenot Rizzoli, Milano, 1994 |
CHENOT 1998 | Le sorgenti della salute H. Chenot Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, 1998 |
CHERRUAULT 1998 | Modèles et méthodes mathématiques pour les sciences du vivant Y. Cherruault Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1998 |
CHILDRESS 1981 | Mechanics of Swimming and Flying S. Childress Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981 |
CHUSID 1973 | Correlative Neuroanatomy and Functional Neurology J. G. Chusid LANGE, Los Altos, 1973 |
CLAPHAM 1983 | Natural Ecosystems W. B. Clapham Macmillan, New York, 1983 |
COHEN 1990 | Community Food Webs J. E. Cohen, F. Briand and C. M. Newman Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
COHEN 1980 | Applications of Control Theory in Ecology Y. Cohen, Editor Springer, Heidelberg, 1980 |
CRAWLEY 1992 | Natural Enemies - The Population Biology of Predators, Parasites and Diseases M. J. Crawley, Editor Blackwell, Oxford, 1992 |
DAJOZ 1996 | Précis d'écologie R. Dajoz Dunod, Paris, 1996 |
DEATON 2000 | Dynamic Modeling of Environmental Systems M. L. Deaton and J. J. Winebrake Springer, Heidelberg, 2000 |
DRICKAMER 1986 | Behavioural Ecology and Population Biology L. C. Drickamer Privat, Toulouse, 1986 |
DUMITRESCU 1986 | Acupuncture informatique I. Dimitrescu Dubab, Paris, 1986 |
EBENMAN 1988 | Size-Structured Populations - Ecology and Evolution B. Ebenman and L. Persson, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1988 |
EHLERINGER 1993 | Scaling Physiological Processes - Leaf to Globe J. R. Ehleringer and C. B. Field, Editors Academic Press, New York, 1993 |
FARLAND 1974 | Motivational Control Systems Analysis D. J. Mac Farland, Editor Academic Press, New York, 1993 |
FARLAND 1971 | Feedback Mechanisms in Animal Behaviour D. J. Mac Farland Academic Press, New York, 1971 |
FAUBERT 1983 | La chronobiologie chinoise G. Faubert et P. Crepon Albin Michel, Paris, 1983 |
FIFE 1979 | Mathematical Aspects of Reacting and Diffusing Systems P. C. Fife Springer, Heidelberg, 1979 |
GINZBURG 1985 | Lectures in Theoretical Population Biology L. R. Ginzburg and E. M. Golenberg Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1985 |
GODFREY 1983 | Compartmental models and their applications K. Godfrey Academic Press, London, 1983 |
GOLD 1977 | Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems H. J. Gold Wiley, New York, 1977 |
GRINDROD 1996 | The Theory and Application of Reaction-Diffusion Equations - Patterns and Waves P. Grindrod Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996 |
GUYON 1988 | Disorder and Mixing - Convection, Diffusion and Reaction in Random Materials and Processes E. Guyon, J. P. Nadal et Y. Pomeau Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1988 |
HALLAM 1986 | Mathematical Ecology T. G. Hallam and S. A. Levin, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1986 |
HANNON 1999 | Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems B. Hannon and M. Ruth Springer, New York, 1999 |
HASTINGS 1997 | Population Biology - Concepts and Models A. Hastings Springer, Heidelberg, 1997 |
HASTINGS 1988 | Community Ecology A. Hastings, Editor Springer, Heidelberg, 1988 |
HEINRICH 1990 | Atalante di ecologia Dieter Heinrich and Manfred Hergt Hoepli, Milano, 1990 |
HIORNS 1981 | The Mathematical Theory of the Dynamics of Biological Populations R. W. Hiorns and D. Cooke, Editors Academic Press, London, 1981 |
HIORNS 1980 | Demographic Patterns in Developped Societies R. W. Hiorns, Editor Taylor & Francis, London, 1980 |
HOFFMANN 1990 | Biological Motion G. Hoffmann, Editor Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
HOLLING 1966 | The Functional Response of Invertebrate Predators to Prey Density C. S. Holling Entomological Society, Canada, 1966 |
HOPPENSTEADT 1992 | Mathematics in Medecine and the Life Sciences F. C. Hoppensteadt Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1982 |
HOPPENSTEADT 1982 | Mathematical methods of population biology F. C. Hoppensteadt and C. S. Peskin Springer, New York, 1992 |
HOPPENSTEADT 1976 | Mathematical Methods of Population Biology F. C. Hoppensteadt Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 1976 |
HUDSON 1972 | Geographical Diffusion Theory J. C. Hudson Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1972 |
IMPAGLIAZZO 1985 | Deterministic Aspects of Mathematical Demography J. Impagliazzo Springer, Heidelberg, 1985 |
IANNACCONE 1996 | Fractal Geometry in Biological Systems P. M. Iannacone and M. Khokha, Editors CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1996 |
JAIN 1992 | Applied Population Biology S. K. Jain and L. W. Botsford, Editors Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992 |
JACKSON 1985 | Population Biology and Evolution of Clonal Organisms J. B. C. Jackson, L. W. Buss and R. E. Cook, Editors Yale University Press, New Haven, 1985 |
JEAN 1994 | Phyllotaxis - A Systemic Study in Plant Morphogenesis R. V. Jean Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994 |
JEAN 1984 | Mathematical Approach to Pattern and Form in Plant Growth R. V. Jean John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984 |
JOLIVET 1983 | Introduction aux modèles mathématiques en biologie E. Jolivet Masson, Paris, 1983 |
JONES 1983 | Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology D. S. Jones and B. D. Sleeman George Allen & Unwin, London, 1983 |
KAPTCHUK 1993 | Comprendre la médecine chinoise T. Kaptchuk Satas, Dilbeek, 1993 |
LARWOOD 1979 | Biology and Systematics of Colonial Organisms G. Larwood and B. R. Rosen, Editors Academic Press, London, 1979 |
LAUFER 1985 | Motion in Biological Systems M. A. Lauffer Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, 1985 |
LEBRETON 1982 | Modèles dynamiques déterministes en biologie J. D. Lebreton et C. Millier Ed. Masson, Paris, 1982 |
LEGENDRE 1984 | Ecologie numérique L. Legendre et P. Legendre Masson, Paris, 1984 |
LEVIN 1994 | Frontiers in Mathematical Biology S. A. Levin, Ed. Springer, Heidelberg, 1994 |
LEVIN 1989 | Applied Mathematical Ecology S. A. Levin, T. G. Hallan and L. J. Gross, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1989 |
LEWIS 1998 | Life R. Lewis Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1998 |
LEWIS 1977 | Network Models of Population Biology E. R. Lewis Springer, Heidelberg, 1977 |
LIN 1974 | Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences C. C. Lin, L. A. Segel and G. H. Handelman Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1974 |
LORENZ 1963 | L'agression K. Lorenz Flammarion, Paris, 1963 |
MADER 1998 | Biology S. S. Mader Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1998 |
MANSOURIAN 1980 | Introduction à l'informatique médicale B. Mansourian Masson, Paris, 1980 |
MARCHUK 1982 | Mathematical Models in Environmental Problems G. I. Marchuk North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982 |
MARCUS 1976 | Life Science Models H. Marcus-Roberts and M. Thomson, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1976 |
MARGULIS 1991 | Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation L. Margulis and R. Fester, Editors MIT Press, Cambridge, 1991 |
MAZUMDAR 1989 | An Introduction to Mathematical Physiology and Biology J. Mazumdar Cambride University Press, Cambridge, 1989 |
METZ 1986 | The Dynamics of Physiologically Structured Populations J. A. J. Metz and O. Diekmann, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1986 |
MUELLER 1986 | Mathematica Models for Biological Systems: Growth Dynamics and Stability E. Mueller University of Bremen, Bremen, 1986 |
MURRAY 1989 | Mathematical Biology J. D. Murray Springer, Heidelberg, 1989 |
NISBET 1982 | Modelling Fluctuating Populations R. M. Nisbet and W. S. C. Gurney John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1982 |
NOREL 1984 | Histoire de la matière et de la vie G. Norel Maloine, Paris, 1984 |
NOVAK 1995 | Fractal Review in the Natural and Applied Sciences M. M. Novak Chapman & Hall, London, 1995 |
OKUBO 1980 | Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Mathematical Models A. Okubo Springer, Heidelberg, 1980 |
PAKES 1990 | Mathematical Ecology of Plant Species Competition A. G. Pakes and R. A. Maller Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1983 |
PETERS 1983 | The Ecological Implications of Body Size R. H. Peters Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1983 |
PHILTRANS 1986 | The Growth and Form of Modular Organisms - Clonal and Sessile Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Volume 313, London, 1989 |
PIELOU 1977 | Mathematical Ecology E. C. Pielou John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977 |
PRUSINKIEWICZ 1990 | The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants P. Prusinkiewicz and A. Lindenmayer Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
RABINOVICH 2000 | The Dynamics of Patterns M. I. Rabinovich, A. B. Ezersky and P. D. Weidman Word Scientific, Singapore, 2000 |
REISS 1989 | The Allometry of Growth and Reproduction M. J. Reiss Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1989 |
RENSHAW 1991 | Modelling Biological Populations in Space and Time E. Renshaw Cambridge Univesiy Press, Cambridge, 1991 |
ROBINSON 2001 | Modeling Dynamic Climate Systems W. A. Robinson Springer, Heidelberg, 2001 |
ROSSOMANDO 1992 | Morphogenesis - An Analysis of the Development of Biological Form E. F. Rossomando and S. Alexander, Editors Marcel-Dekker Inc., New York, 1992 |
SAUNDERS 1991 | Morphogenesis P. T. Saunders, Editor North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991 |
SCHMIDT-NIELSEN 1984 | Scaling - Why is Animal Size so Important? K. Schmidt-Nielsen Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984 |
SCHOEN 1988 | Modeling Multigroup Populations R. Schoen Plenum Press, New York, 1988 |
SEBANEK 1991 | Experimental Morphogenesis and Integration of Plants J. Sebanek, Z. Sladky and S. Prochazka, Editor Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1991 |
SEGEL 1991 | Biological Kinetics L. A. Segel, Editor Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991 |
SEGEL 1984 | Modeling Dynamic Phenomena in Molecular and Cellular Biology L. A. Segel Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984 |
SEGEL 1980 | Mathematical Models in Molecular and Cellular Biology L. A. Segel, Editor Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980 |
SHEPHERD 1988 | Neurobiology G. M. Shepherd Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988 |
SILVERTOWN 1993 | Introduction to Plant Population Biology J. W. Silvertown and J. L. Doust Blackwell, Oxford, 1993 |
SMITH 1981 | Equilibre hydro-électrolytique - Des bases théoriques à la clinique K. Smith MEDSI, Paris, 1981 |
SMITH 1977 | Mathematical Demography D. Smith and N. Keyfitz Springer, Heidelberg, 1977 |
SOKOLOWSKI 1996 | Shape Optimization and Scientific Computations J. Sokolowski, Editor Control and Cybernetics, Vol.25, No 5, Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa, 1996 |
STANLEY 1986 | On Growth and Form H. E. Stanley and N. Ostrowsky, Editors Matinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986 |
STREHLER 1977 | Time, Cells and Aging B. L. Strehler Academic Press, New York, 1977 |
TONNELAT 1978-1 | Thermodynamique et biologie - Entropie, désordre et complexité J. Tonnelat Maloine, Paris, 1978 |
TONNELAT 1978-2 | Thermodynamique et biologie - L'ordre issu du hasard J. Tonnelat Maloine, Paris, 1978 |
TULJAPURKAR 1990 | Population Dynamics in Variable Environments S. Tuljapurkar Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
VANDER 1975 | Human Physiology - The Mechanics of Body Function A. J. Vander, J. H. Sherman, D. S. Luciano McGraw-Hill, New-York, 1975 |
VICSEK 1992 | Fractal Growth Phenomena T. Vicsek World Scientific, Singapore, 1992 |
VOGEL 1994 | Live in Moving Fluids - The Physical Biology of Flow S. Vogel Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994 |
WINFREE 1980 | The Geometry of Biological Time A. T. Winfree Springer, Heidelberg, 1980 |
WOHRMANN 1990 | Population Biology - Ecological and Evolutionary Viewpoints K. Wöhrmann and S. K. Jain, Editors Springer, Heidelberg, 1990 |
WOOD 1991 | Estimation of Mortality Rates in Stage-Structured Populations S. N. Wood and R. M. Nisbet Springer, Heidelberg, 1991 |
XU 1998 | Interfacial Wave Theory of Pattern Formation J.-J. Xu Springer, Heidelberg, 1998 |